Sunday, January 20, 2008

31 Days...Progressing SLOWLY

I'm moving REALLY slowly at this one. At this rate, I'll be 62 days to a better blogger...LOL! I must say that the tasks are stretching me a lot and introducing me to terms that I know nothing about. On Day 3, I was supposed to subscribe to a forum...well, I'm a member at Classroom 2.0 and I've got a pretty good network established on Twitter...does that count? If not, how do I find those forums? What's the point?

I did have my husband look at my blog. He thought it was pretty cool, but he really knows nothing about them and he thinks whatever I do related to technology is cool. Isn't he the sweetest? I'm going to have to find someone a little more knowledgeable for this task...the question is who?

This has been the weekend for stretching my brain, though. If you'll check out my post from yesterday, you'll see the beginnings of that stretch. Then we talked this morning in Sunday School about God being ultimately responsible for all suffering...whoa, brain overload there. Finally, my friend Kate brought up some heavy thoughts on blogging and education. SHOULD teachers blog? Now I'm really confused and having to think hard about how to approach this little piece of the internet universe. This is my way of creating a network of like-minded individuals. People passionate about technology and educating kids. However, what would happen if this became a venue for airing my complaints about the world in general, including my job? Responsibility in what we share is the key here I think. But I believe this question is going to take even more thinking!


Anonymous said...

Oh we have so much to talk about!! I have been blogging for two years and love it. I started out with a blog on Blogger and am pretty familiar with HTML because of it. I changed my blogs look several times over the course of the year that I was with Blogger. I now have my own domain and a webmistress who worries about all that stuff now. Anyway, I will be happy to help with your template. I noticed that Andy helped you out with your 'blogroll'. One very important item to start with is to put a subscribe button at the top of your sidebar asking readers to subscribe. This is free and you can get the code from If you have any questions just email me at I will be home later this evening and will get back with you. Blogging is a great networking tool so hang in there ;)

Sarah Stewart said...

I am trying to get back into the blog challenge after my holiday, so know how you feel.

Sue Waters gave me some good advice about my blog and she mentioned having a good search feature as well as a RSS feed.

cheers Sarah

Andy Roberts said...

I kind of lost track of the days, then realised I was on day 11 after 15 days but I'm not at all sure what day the others are on. In some ways that's a shame because we have lost some of the sense of going through the process together, but not entirely by any means.

I wonder if I can ask you to change your comment settings so that we are not forced to use a Google/blogger identity which may not be our main blogging platform? It's just my opinion but I believe that would be a small step of improvement that helps a blogger blog to better become part of the wider blogoshere. Maybe we should discuss that on the ning group as well as there are quite a few blogspot blogs involved.

My Shelfari Bookshelf

As you can see I like to read lots of different stuff, but I lean most closely to children's/young adult fantasy. Long live Harry Potter!