Monday, January 14, 2008

What a day!

Today's been interesting. We've been struggling for several years now with my son and school. Mainly it's been his ability to focus on the task at hand and follow directions. Both my husband and I are educators, and my mother-in-law was in special education so we are pretty keen to the signs of trouble. However, we were pretty certain his problems had nothing to do with ADD or ADHD because it's not a CONSTANT thing. Well, today we visited a vision specialist. I think we may have discovered the root of the evil, so to speak. He was diagnosed with a lazy eye years ago, but I had no idea how adversely eye problems could affect performance. I always thought putting glasses on him would solve the problem. Turns out it's more than that. So, we go back Thursday for another round of tests and then we'll meet with the doctor to discuss a therapy plan. He's such a bright, talented kid. I am hoping that all this helps him in some way because if it doesn't, I can see a LONG road of frustration looming before us in middle and high school! Isn't it amazing how the human brain works and learns?

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My Shelfari Bookshelf

As you can see I like to read lots of different stuff, but I lean most closely to children's/young adult fantasy. Long live Harry Potter!