Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Busy week = absent blogger

I so want to write about my reactions to what I heard and learned at FETC last week. Unfortunately I seem to be unable to get to my blog at all. While in Florida, I had limited access in the evenings after the conference and since I have been home, life has been nothing short of a whirlwind. (Curently have 10 year old son fighting stomach flu. NOT fun!) Hopefully I can share my thoughts with you tomorrow...................HOPEFULLY!


Sarah Stewart said...

Hi MIchelle, I am just looking at your blog as a first time reader and inexperienced blogger. here are a couple of thoughts, for what they are worth.

I would love to know more about you. Before I add you to my reader, I want to know what your blog is about and whether it is 'worth' following your blog. At the moment I know very little about who you are or what the blog is about. Based on what I see so far, I would not add you.

Advice I have received about my own blog is to add a search facility that is clearer to see than the current search facility you have at the top left hand corner.

Also add RSS feeds by both reader and email. Here's what Sue Waters wrote on my blog in response to her audit.

cheers Sarah

Lynn Marentette said...

Sarah's points are good. I'm updating my blogs now, since I've been blogging for two years or so and things are pretty cluttered!

Keep on blogging- I find it blogging a good way to keep up with myself in a paperless fashion.

My Shelfari Bookshelf

As you can see I like to read lots of different stuff, but I lean most closely to children's/young adult fantasy. Long live Harry Potter!